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Fitnex Cardio

Add Fitness to Your Everyday Schedule...

Fitnex treadmills, exercise bikes and elliptical cross-trainers are built to perform to the scrutinizing standards of commercial health club equipment. Try to find a better treadmill or a more efficient workout, and you'll end up at the gym. These exceptional machines are built to challenge you to a lifetime of cardio fitness that fit your schedule, your lifestyle... your home.

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Body-Solid Vertical Knee Raise & Dip (GVKR60)
Body-Solid End Cap (2" x 4")
Powerline Preacher Curl (PPB32X)
Body-Solid Strength Training Time Clock (STT45)
Body-Solid Functional Trainer 200 (GDCC200)
Balanced V-Bar (MB507)
Body-Solid Olympic Adapter Sleeve - 8 inch (OA8)
Body-Solid 5Lb Weight Stack Adapter Plate (WSA5)
Nylon Head Harness
Body-Solid Standard Plate Tree & Bar Holder (GSWT)
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