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Fitnex Cardio

Add Fitness to Your Everyday Schedule...

Fitnex treadmills, exercise bikes and elliptical cross-trainers are built to perform to the scrutinizing standards of commercial health club equipment. Try to find a better treadmill or a more efficient workout, and you'll end up at the gym. These exceptional machines are built to challenge you to a lifetime of cardio fitness that fit your schedule, your lifestyle... your home.

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Body-Solid Pro-Style Ab Board (GAB60)
Body-Solid Flat Incline Decline Bench (GFID31)
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Body-Solid G Series Inner and Outer Thigh Attachment (GIOT)
Powerline Seated Calf Raise (PSC43X)
Black Rubber Olympic Plates (WRO)
Fitnex Work Desk Attachment (for X5 Kids Velocity Bike)
Body-Solid Leverage Squat & Calf Raise (GSCL360)
Biceps Bomber (BB23)
Olympic T-Screw Collars (OC02)
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